EATSplore Naga – 6 Tasty EATSperiences in 2 Days

Bigg’s Diner, Que Pasa, Red Platter, White Bean Cafe, Graceland, and Bob Marlin, any of them sounds familiar to you? Well, if you have been to Naga City in the province of Camarines Sur, Bicol Region, you have surely encountered atleast one of the eateries that we mentioned. In our first-ever trip to Naga City as a family, we were lucky enough to EATSplore Naga and have 6 Tasty EATSperiences in 2 Days. Yes, you read that right, we ate at 6 different restaurants in just 2 days. It was a really short time to EATSplore what Naga City has to offer but we assure you that after this EATSperience, you would surely want to travel to Naga and EATSperience these restaurants yourself. Continue reading…